The Dangers of Indoor Tanning.

The Dangers of Indoor Tanning Salons Near Schools

A study done in Massachusetts showed that tanning salons are an average of only 1 mile away from middle schools, high schools, and universities. More schools were within a mile of a tanning salon than a McDonalds.

Tanning beds cause skin cancer, including the deadly form called melanoma. Tanning beds are particularly dangerous for young people because tanning at an early age significantly increases the risk of all skin cancers. In fact, melanoma is the #1 from of cancer in 25-29 year old women, and the incidence of melanoma is increasing, likely in large part, to the frequent use of indoor tanning in this segment of the population. Women under 30 who use tanning beds are 6 times more likely to develop melanoma.

Tanning Indoors Vs. Outdoors

Tanning indoors is not safer than a sun tan. In fact, indoor tanning gives your skin a higher dose of ultraviolet (UV) light than the sun does and in a shorter time. More than 400,000 cases of skin cancer in the US each year can be attributed to indoor tanning.  

This study highlights the importance of restricting access to tanning salons and expanding public health campaigns to educate minors and schools about the dangers of indoor tanning and other methods to prevent skin cancer. Brazil and Australia have banned indoor tanning.

It is our hope that, with further education about the known risks, the US will do the same.

Want To Learn More?

Worried about what indoor tanning may have done to your skin? Call George Dermatology today to get your skin checked and learn what you can do to reduce your risk of skin cancer.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Dr Katherine M. Moritz is the bomb-diggity!!! She’s very professional, kind, and most of all caring for my concerns and needs. Today, I walked out of her office with my son in my arms in tears of joy. She removed a cyst on my eyelid that had been there for over a year now. In a matter of seconds, she painlessly had it removed. When I looked in the bathroom mirror, I ran back into her office thanking the staff and giving her my gratitude and thanks. I swear, I cried when I got into my car all over again. This place is a whole vibe, they are culturally competent, and she’s helping me live my wishes in my 40’s, that I had in high school. Dr. Moritz is like the fountain of youth, she’s reversing my aging and I feel more confident in myself than I did in my 20’s.

San Juan
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